Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fanfarlo vs. Beirut

Ellen has been making quite a big deal about Fanfarlo, a British band of whom she attended a concert last weekend. I decided to check them out, because she has dedicated space on her planner for their sticker and now totes a black and green Fanfarlo shoulder bag, presumably purchased at the show...

Which instantly reminded me of:

Fanfarlo seems like a poppier, more bubblegum and cotton candy sort of group, while still using brass wind instruments and maintaining the incorporation of heavy, wide Eastern European drums. I like it, but it makes me wonder....


  1. I need to defend my babies. To be honest, 'The Walls are Coming Down' is probably the only song where you can hear real obvious influences from Beirut. Holistically, their album doesn't make you jump to the conclusion that they're "Beirut wannabes," although you can't argue that they have Beirut influences (they've even said so themselves). I wish 'TWACD' wasn't the first song that pops up when you type Fanfarlo into Youtube search, since it doesn't serve the band justice, albeit it's their first single. Listen to songs like 'Luna,' 'Comet' or 'Harold T. Wilkens' and you'll know what I mean. Trust me. Just do it.

  2. Also, I think people are quick to compare the two bands, because both incorporate brass and string instruments, and both lead singers happen to sound alike, but I Just, fuck. You get what I mean.

  3. yes i will listen to them more extensively when i get a chance woo yeah! i am into it. dont get me wrong, into it! and yes, sometimes lame songs pop up as the first videos on youtube...weak. womp womp
