Wednesday, July 22, 2009

From the Headlines...

The UCs are in bad shape.
The funding shortage is at a current 813 million dollars, and it will only get worse from here. President Mark G. Yudoff has finally managed to fenagle the UC Regents round, but even now, things are looking bleak. Furloughs and salary reductions will alleviate about 25% of the University of California's financial woes, but that does not even cover the overenrollment, overspending, and underfunding that the UCs have been plagued with over the past couple of years.

The state is shortchanging the public schools of California by more than 1 billion dollars during the fiscal year of 2009, and will take more money by the end of 2010.
California's education system is completely skewed. As regent D'Artagnan Scorza has said to me on a couple occasions, "your schooling should be free; completely free and clear," and I agree. Why should students have to go into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for something that is their given right? Doesn't the government understand that by putting more money into schools, crime rates will go down, gang violence will lessen, more jobs can be created to get us out of this depression mess...It seems like such a no-brainer... how come it isn't happening?
What can we do? What can I do? My student fees are about to go through the roof. Mr. Schwarzenegger, what the fuuuuck is your plan?


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